Friday, July 22, 2011

Group Leadership Project

Group’s Common Statement:

Our group took a serious look at the Group Leadership Project.  Using the TPACK framework, we decided that in order to make this a truly interactive and engaging tutorial that could be facilitated online and reused at our peers convenience, creating a website was the most effective delivery method.

The Weebly website is our tutorial and its content is divided into several pages: copyright, fair use, creative commons, links and feedback pages.  By dividing the information into pages, our tutorial can be taken in sections so that our peers could complete the tutorial in pieces as they had time.  This also allows for the content to be reused more than for a single professional development opportunity and our peers could revisit the site for information as they had questions throughout the year.  By using this format, we tried to create a product that would endure and be useful not only for the professional development time, but be an effective and constant resource. We also used Jing and Quicktime to share what you can find on each page of the website.
Please take a look at our tutorial website on copyright, fair use, and creative commons at

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.
Video 4 of 6 on the site
The thing I learned most during the development process of the final product was the benefits of group collaboration. Our group was very effective in collaborating and extending upon each other to generate a "whole idea". Even though we are all teachers, our specializations are different. Using our specializations and viewing the tutorial from different angles, we were able to find diverse ways to meet the needs of all learners. Integration and culmination were key parts to our development process. We wanted to make sure that we created an effective tutorial for our intended audience.

If I had to develop a similar product again, I would like to have the opportunity to share it with another group for feedback before posting the tutorial. It is so important to make sure you are reaching the maximum potential for diverse learning needs. Choosing a variety of tools as well as making the tutorial engaging and interactive is essential in providing an effective tutorial.
As a tech. leader, I would definitely use an interactive tutorial often in my building while introducing different web 2.0 tools to the staff. This allows the opportunity to go back, interact, reflect and connect to the material.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job on this project, Kim! It is clear that all of you worked VERY well together, and as a result created a very powerful product. I'm excited to share this with my PLN, and hope that all of you will be able to use it (and share it) as well. GREAT JOB!
