Thursday, October 27, 2011
A Little Fun at our Cafe!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
New Beginnings/ Daily5
I am so happy to be back again at DRE teaching 4th grade! It is always so heartwarming to see familiar faces as you walk through the doors and hallways each day! It is also wonderful this year to meet new friends and DRE family! I am very fortunate to have two wonderful new teammates, which I look forward to learning from throughout the year.
One of the exciting things that is going on right now in all of our classrooms is the incorporation of Daily5 and CAFE into our Language Arts time. When I read the books four years ago, I was anxious to learn more! It is so amazing to have the opportunity to work with our wonderful staff to learn and share experiences in our adventure of creating a wonderful learning experience for all types of learners.
As I search for creative tips and tools to incorporate the Daily 5, I have also met other educators on Twitter that are searching/sharing the same thing! Did you know that many educators meet on Friday evenings to chat about the daily 5? Check out #daily5 on Twitter to learn more! My wonderful PLN has provided so many resources that I wanted to share some of them with you! Take a look at the links that I have bookmarked!
I have also discovered another wonderful site loaded with daily 5 ideas- Pinterest! It is a great bulletin board where teachers share amazing ideas. Take a look at my Daily5 pinboard loaded with ideas from other educators! There are so many wonderful resources online that you can incorporate into your classroom!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Professional Learning Plan
Can you tell I am thinking a lot about providing variety?
These past six weeks I have been submersed in the applications and principles of educational technology. I am continually amazed at how much I have grown in just a short time. I am very proud of the accomplishments I have made through the re-designed lesson plan, multi-genre website, copyright website, animal adaptations website, and the wicked presentation. My passion and love of technology has grown to a new level. I look forward to the opportunity of sharing what I have learned with my district as well as hopefully other professional development opportunities. I am also excited about the next classes in this program. I hope in the future there is a need for more technology leaders because I am definitely up for the challenge to play an integral role in the applications of transforming schools towards 21st century learning.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I Believe...
I am a teacher that has always had a passion for learning and technology. My passion ignited this summer as my horizons in educational technology expanded through the MAET Master's program. Throughout the past six weeks I have grown as an educator and a learner by examining the applications to creating an essential foundation of technology into the classroom. This time has helped form a perspective of my beliefs about technology and education.
Providing 21st century learning in classrooms today is essential for students. Fostering creativity, collaboration, and connections are just a few of the benefits. In order to provide a high standard of learning, I believe we must first look at our goals. Punya Mishra states "Teachers are designers of the total package". Presenting this total package provides the best experiences for our students. Our goal should combine our use of technology, the pedagogy of teaching, as well as our content knowledge into a "sweet spot" for learning. This concept is otherwise known as TPACK. The idea of TPACK should be the focus of all educators to examine the total design of the learning experience in the classroom. I am very excited to share some of the projects with my colleagues that I have created that demonstrate the TPACK framework.
Collaboration is an essential element towards 21st century learning. The pedagogy of collaboration empowers students and gives them ownership towards their learning. Students have the ability to share ideas, use a variety of informational sources, and create a display of the knowledge they have learned. Combining the pedagogy of collaborative learning with the content using technology of web 2.0 tools allows an authentic learning opportunity. The Scholarship of teaching is not just about giving the students the information. It is rather about creating a learning environment where all learners connect and engage with the material. John Hattie, a researcher on the influences of achievements in school-aged students states, "The more the student becomes the teacher and the teacher becomes the learner, then the more successful are the outcomes".
We must also provide diverse learning opportunities in our classrooms to reach a common goal. By examining Universal Design for Learning principles, we can plan a lesson that will foster learning for all types of learners. We can supply opportunities to express creativity through a variety of tools that can accomplish the task. As Sir Ken Robinson states, "Creativity is as important as literacy". Giving the student opportunity and choice to think "outside of the box" could lead to an "aha" moment in their own learning experience. Isn't that what we are searching for as educators? We all don't learn the same way.. therefore we shouldn't be expected to share our knowledge in the same fashion. I read an article recently that mentioned that our learning styles are as unique as our thumbprints. Let's take that idea and let them express their uniqueness passionately and creatively.
As educators, we must also learn the importance of establishing and building a Professional Learning Network. Through the use of social media, such as Twitter, we can expand our horizons and possibilities for collaboration in the classroom. Working with others and generating new ways to look at common core standards provides a community that extends your perspective as a teacher and a learner.
I also believe that as 21st century teachers, we must also take the time to teach our students about digital citizenship. It is important for students to know how to safely navigate the web, as well as understanding the idea of copyright, fair use, and creative commons. Our students need to know how to research, share, and create information effectively. Students must also learn how to incorporate social media into the context of their learning. I look forward to sharing the Voicethread on digital citizenship, as well as the tutorial on copyright that we created during our classes this summer. These tools will hopefully help other colleagues prepare their students to be digital citizens.
Our students are the future. We want to provide them with an authentic and engaging learning experiences. I look forward to implementing the valuable tools and applications I have learned throughout these classes. I believe I am ready for the challenge!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Digital Nation/ Growing Up Online
As I look back at my past with technology, it brings back some very fond memories! I have always had a passion for technology. I can remember building a model of a computer using many big boxes and contact paper for one of my science fair projects, with one of those wonderful floppy disks. I also remember my dad bringing home his first cell phone, which came with its very own big bag! I thought that was the most amazing thing- (more amazing than my purple corded phone in my room!) My computer at college consisted of a word processor with a green screen. I realize that these memories show my "age", yet it is so important to see how much we have grown! Today I cannot find enough tools of technology! Whether I am on my MacBook, iPad, Blackberry, or a combination, I fill the need for constant connection. I feel it is so important to stay up to date with what is going on at all times. This past week for our MAET class, we were asked to watch the videos "Digital Nation" and "Growing Up Online", which focus on the impact of technology on our students' lives. As I was watching both of these videos, I was viewing them with two perspectives- as a teacher, and as a parent of two children that are fully immersed in technology today.
As a teacher, I find myself often agreeing with the wonders that technology has brought to our society. We have the opportunities to connect and find information right at our fingertips. Students are fully engaged with technology at home, and will continue to be immersed in the future. It is important to recognize how as educators we can add to the impact of technology in their educational pursuits. I also see that students now need to be stimulated it ways they have never been stimulated before, due to technology. I also believe it is so important to teach students how to be responsible and safe on the internet. After all, it is not a matter of them going on the internet or not, but how they go about navigating the web. We need to discuss digital citizenship in our classes. I have also found that students are very engaged and motivated by using technology in the classroom. I agree it should not be used, "just because", but to rather serve a purpose. I believe we can sit all day and discuss the pros and cons of our "digital nation". However, our use for technology is not going to go away. We must accept its strengths and weaknesses and learn to find a balance. I also find myself distracted by all of the ways to connect via twitter, Facebook, texts, etc. Yet, I find it also such a powerful and amazing tool! I love the fact that while I am at home I can connect and learn from other educators throughout the world in my own family room. Professional development is available twenty four hours a day. "Digital Nation" also shared how IBM uses second life to participate in meetings with others throughout the world. As an educator I wonder if this is something to come in the future of education.
As a parent, I often catch my own kids watching tv and playing their ds or iPod touch at the same time. My daughter will be on the computer playing a game, while also participating in a discussion with her friend on the phone. I often will tell both of my kids to just focus on one thing at a time. The idea of multi- tasking is something we hear about a lot now. However, it was amazing to see in the video, "Digital Nation" that when the students were tested in multi-tasking, that they actually received poorer results than doing one task at a time. The video went on to say that we need to "be our most creative selves, not distracting ourselves to death." I can sit there and talk to my children until I am blue in the face about what life used to be like when I was a child- no cellphones or texting.. yet that simply doesn't represent life now. We can go back generations and talk about what life used to be like, but that doesn't help us deal with life today. It is hard enough to encounter the day to day battle with my ten year old as to why I don't feel she is ready for a cellphone, when so many of her friends already have them. My goal is to teach my children responsibility about technology. It is also important to discuss with them the impact of their "digital footprint " and the implications that go along with it. My biggest fear was represented in "Growing Up Online" , when parents simply didn't even know what was going on with their children online. It was very depressing to see the negative effects that can exist with the constant connectivity with children. This video made the point that in the past when something bad would happen at school, students could go home and get a "break" from our peers. Now due to constant connectivity, some students cannot escape bullying or harassing. Many students mentioned that their parents had no idea as to what they were doing online. Another parent referred to the social media sites and the internet at the "New Wild West". I kept wondering how it came to that point. As a parent it is so important to continue to role model practices and be active in the role of technology now and in the future.
Both my children and my students know my passion for learning and technology. I will always be conscious to show the values, as well as the responsibility of using technology. It is important to embrace our future, as well as to inform. Finding that balance is a goal for myself, as an educator and as a parent.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
WPP Presentation
I created my WPP presentation for an audience of elementary teachers in a district. This presentation focuses on the pedagogy of collaborative learning through the technology of web 2.0 tools in a variety of content areas.
Providing 21st Century learning to our classroom is essential for our students. One of the elements that is so crucial to that learning is collaboration. Even though we know the idea of collaboration is crucial for connections and achievements, many teachers today are not incorporating this into their classroom. According to a poll taken by Edutopia, only 14% of the teachers said that their students are ready for the "Collaboration Age".
I plan to address this issue by providing professional development to our elementary staff about the importance of collaborative learning through the use of technology into the classroom. All of our classrooms have already been equipped with tools such as computers and projectors. Incorporating this idea does not require any basic costs or start up fees. However, one simply cannot be asked to do something "just because". The idea of 21st Century learning must be introduced. I plan to "pull" them into the idea of 21st century collaboration by showing them the "why" of collaborative learning- through research and resources, and the "how" through curriculum examples.
The pedagogy of collaboration empowers students and gives them ownership towards their learning. Students have the opportunity to share ideas, use a variety of informational sources, and create a display of the knowledge they have learned. Combining the pedagogy of collaborative learning with content using technology of web 2.0 tools provides the opportunity for students to engage in 21st century learning.
Using the technology of web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, and Skype provides the opportunity for other students to connect with the material at home and at school. This teaching opportunity provides direction and choice from the teacher that can be accessed by student, teacher, and parent. Using this technology also provides opportunities for diverse learners. A teacher can provide choice to the student to best meet their needs, whether it be visual, audio, or simply a written blog post. Using these web 2.0 tools also allows the possibility of extended learning based on passion and motivation. Collaborative learning is connected and meaningful. Students are already using technology for social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Webkinz, etc.
The use of technology allows the content to come alive! One of the curriculum standards in our class was to cover the geography of the United States. Our class turned this standard into a game with other classrooms throughout the United States. We played the game called "Mystery Skype"where we would skype with other classrooms and give them 10 "clues" about our location. The other classroom would reciprocate. When we completed our clues, we would guess the state! My class had the opportunity to learn about Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, and many other states from actual students that live in that state. Students would use a variety of maps to solve the clues! It was such a powerful collaborative learning tool! This is only one example of how technology makes the use of collaborative learning more meaningful and connected to students. This brings content and technology together to reach a common goal.
Once I have pulled them into the benefits of collaboration, I would share a Livebinder full of resources and tools that would allow for collaborative learning. I understand that it takes time to feel comfortable with the tools. Therefore, my long term goal would be to provide staff development once a month after school focusing on a particular technology tool that would provide the benefits of collaboration. We need to see collaboration as an interconnected tool that is essential for the future. The indicator of success can be provided in the first few minutes of a bi- monthly staff meeting where staff shares their success in the classroom. Sharing the benefits with others is such a powerful motivator! The more we share, the more we are successful as to the integration of collaboration in our classrooms!
Livebinder on Web 2.0 tools
Collaborative Learning Resources
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tech. Leadership
This year my passion for technology has sparked a role towards leadership. As an individual I have taken steps toward advancement through attending MACUL, beginning my Master's program in Educational Technology, as well as extending my PLN through the use of web 2.0 tools such as Twitter.
My classroom was also drawn towards technology this year, which allowed us to "raise the bar" on what can be done with technology at our school. We participated in the Flat Classroom Project that provided a wonderful opportunity to connect and collaborate with other students and teachers throughout the world. We also had the opportunity to connect with other classrooms via skype to extend our connections to the geography of the United States by playing "Mystery Skype". Students also extended their writing capabilities through the use of Kidblog and Voicethread. Our student technology projects were showcased at staff meetings, as well as the local newspaper. Our classroom blog also became a great home/school opportunity for other parents to see exactly how our students were using technology in the classroom.
All of this passion and enthusiasm for technology also provided the opportunity to be a part of the district Technology Committee, as well as the School Improvement Committee. This allowed a chance to have a "voice" in how we approach technology and make it meaningful for students, as well as teachers. My passion for technology also provided inspiration to create a professional blog for our staff to connect, communicate, and share ideas on technology. With all of our busy schedules, the blog provides a place to search, learn, and share whether you are at home or at school.
Throughout my MAET course I have discovered so many wonderful tools that I look forward to sharing with others. I hope as a tech. leader to ignite passion for technology in others by pulling them in to the wonderful potential of 21st century learning. I hope to provide professional development on the use of TPACK and UDL principles that show how technology is used effectively and meets the needs of diverse learners. I also look forward to the opportunity to share with other professionals through educational conferences and workshops.
I am a learner that continues to have "aha" moments each day. My love and passion for technology continues to expand and grow. I am very excited about future and the potential leadership opportunities in educational technology.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Group Leadership Project
Our group took a serious look at the Group Leadership Project. Using the TPACK framework, we decided that in order to make this a truly interactive and engaging tutorial that could be facilitated online and reused at our peers convenience, creating a website was the most effective delivery method.
The Weebly website is our tutorial and its content is divided into several pages: copyright, fair use, creative commons, links and feedback pages. By dividing the information into pages, our tutorial can be taken in sections so that our peers could complete the tutorial in pieces as they had time. This also allows for the content to be reused more than for a single professional development opportunity and our peers could revisit the site for information as they had questions throughout the year. By using this format, we tried to create a product that would endure and be useful not only for the professional development time, but be an effective and constant resource. We also used Jing and Quicktime to share what you can find on each page of the website.
Please take a look at our tutorial website on copyright, fair use, and creative commons at
The thing I learned most during the development process of the final product was the benefits of group collaboration. Our group was very effective in collaborating and extending upon each other to generate a "whole idea". Even though we are all teachers, our specializations are different. Using our specializations and viewing the tutorial from different angles, we were able to find diverse ways to meet the needs of all learners. Integration and culmination were key parts to our development process. We wanted to make sure that we created an effective tutorial for our intended audience.
If I had to develop a similar product again, I would like to have the opportunity to share it with another group for feedback before posting the tutorial. It is so important to make sure you are reaching the maximum potential for diverse learning needs. Choosing a variety of tools as well as making the tutorial engaging and interactive is essential in providing an effective tutorial.
As a tech. leader, I would definitely use an interactive tutorial often in my building while introducing different web 2.0 tools to the staff. This allows the opportunity to go back, interact, reflect and connect to the material.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Multi- Genre Project
One of my projects was using the tool Voki to give the characters a "voice". Voki is a great audio and visual tool that allows you to add voice, through a variety of means, to the character you are creating. I created a Voki for the two main characters, Abby and Sadeed.
I also created a Glog for one of the projects. In the story Abby is to create a bulletin board about her extra credit assignment. Glogster was a great tool that allowed me to provide an image of the bulletin board.
The next project was a video of my personal experience of learning how to rock climb. Throughout the story we continually hear about Abby's love of mountains. In the beginning we are first introduced to Abby when she is climbing on a rock wall at school. I have always wanted to try to climb a rock wall, but was very afraid that I might fall. I decided for this project I would take the risk and try something new! I was so nervous that my hands kept sweating- which is not the ideal thing for rock climbing! However, I did accomplish my task- I made it up the wall (almost to the top!). My daughter was very generous to capture the moment, which led to the production of my iMovie.
My next project uses two web 2.0 tools. I wanted to provide a visual about Abby's love for the outdoors. The novel goes into great detail about her experiences in the woods. I used the tool, Popplet , to create this visual. I also added a Wordle of the contents of Abby's green backpack that she brings with her every time she goes out to the woods.
I also provided a "blog entry" for Abby. At the end of Abby's experience, she is supposed to write about her experience. Blogging allows Abby to share her experience with not only her classroom, but the whole world! The blog shares her thoughts and experiences of the extra credit project.
The last tool that I used on the website, was a "bonus" feature! When Abby agreed to do an extra credit assignment, she was to choose a paper out of the box that contained several extra credit choices. When she chose the pen pal assignment choice, she decided to write Afghanistan from the list of geographic locations. She chose Afghanistan because of the mountains that they have there. I decided to create an "extra credit machine" that provides a random choice.
This project was such a wonderful opportunity to provide a variety of tools to demonstrate the novel of our choice! This would be such an amazing activity to do with your classroom! It provides a choice for diverse learners to share their knowledge of the book.
Monday, July 18, 2011
WPP Part B
Application of TPACK
The technology I have chosen to support the teaching strategies and methods of 21st Century collaborative learning is the integration of a a variety of web 2.0 tools such as the use of blogs, wikis, Edmodo, and Skype. As I have mentioned in my previous post, we already have access to computers and projectors. Therefore, there is no need to purchase anything. One of the main issues is the lack of professional development on "how" to incorporate technology to promote 21st Century learning. Showing how the tools can promote the idea of collaborative learning both inside and outside of the classroom will be a "pull" towards the use of technology.
The use of technology allows the content to come alive! One of the curriculum standards in our class was to cover the geography of the United States. Our class turned this standard into a game with other classrooms throughout the United States. We played the game called "Mystery Skype" where we would skype with other classrooms and give them 10 "clues" about our location. The other classroom would reciprocate. When we completed our clues, we would guess the state! My class had the opportunity to learn about Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, and many other states from actual students that live in that state. Students would use a variety of maps to solve the clues! It was such a powerful collaborative learning tool! This is only one example of how technology makes the use of collaborative learning more meaningful and connected to students. This brings content and technology together to reach a common goal.
Using these web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, and Skype provides the opportunity for other students to connect with the material at home and at school. This teaching opportunity provides direction and choice from the teacher that can be accessed by student, teacher, and parent. Using this technology also provides opportunities for diverse learners. A teacher can provide choice to the student to best meet their needs, whether it be visual, audio, or simply a written blog post. Using these web 2.0 tools also allows the possibility of extended learning based on passion and motivation. Collaborative learning is connected and meaningful. Bringing that passion of learning into the classroom is something that I hope every teacher has on their to-do list!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
WPP Project Part A
Providing 21st Century learning to our classroom is essential for our students. One of the elements that is so crucial to that learning is collaboration. Even though we know the idea of collaboration is crucial for connections and achievements, many teachers today are not incorporating this into their classroom. According to a poll taken by Edutopia, only 14% of the teachers said that their students are ready for the "Collaboration Age". This is definitely a "wicked" problem!
This past year I have seen the benefits as to the effectiveness of collaboration as a teacher and as a learner. I have found many networks that have provided collaboration with other teachers to make instruction meaningful and connected. This in turn, has allowed the opportunity for collaboration with my classroom to other classrooms throughout the world. These collaborations have provided a 21st Century learning experience. Students in my classroom are learning about a week in the life in South Korea by collaborating with students in South Korea.
I plan to address this issue by providing professional development to our elementary staff about the importance of collaborative learning through the use of technology into the classroom. All of our classrooms have already been equipped with tools such as computers and projectors. Incorporating this idea does not require any basic costs or start up fees. However, one simply cannot be asked to do something "just because". The idea of 21st Century learning must be introduced. I plan to "pull" them into the idea of 21st century collaboration by showing them the "why" of collaborative learning- through research and resources, and the "how" through curriculum examples.
Once I have pulled them into the benefits of collaboration, I would share a Livebinder full of resources and tools that would allow for collaborative learning. I understand that it takes time to feel comfortable with the tools. Therefore, my long term goal would be to provide staff development once a month after school focusing on a particular technology tool that would provide the benefits of collaboration. We need to see collaboration as an interconnected tool that is essential for the future. The indicator of success can be provided in the first few minutes of a bi- monthly staff meeting where staff shares their success in the classroom. Sharing the benefits with others is such a powerful motivator! The more we share, the more we are successful as to the integration of collaboration in our classrooms!
Resources on Delicious
Friday, July 15, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Meaningful Online Learning
We also extended our online learning by the use of Spelling City. This became a primary component in our spelling program. It allowed for the use of practice, testing, and review on words through our spelling program. The program was tailored to meet their specific needs. It wasn't limited to everyone using the same words or the same game to practice their spelling.
The last big tool we used for online learning was the use of Edmodo. Edmodo provided the tool to incorporate essential characteristics needed in online learning such as collaborative experience, integration, sustainability, as well as teacher involvement. Students were able to connect with others across the world to create a multi media project through the Flat Classroom experience. Students were able to generate dialogue, post pictures, post vokis, and participate in polls. I would like to extend the online experience through the use of Edmodo. There are so many other ways this tool can be used to extend the lifelong learning skills of the students. I would like to use this in my reading groups to incorporate more accessibility to the UDL principles that are essential for diverse learners.
I look forward to incorporating more opportunities of online learning into my classroom in the future. Integrating the TPACK model as well as UDL principles will greatly affect my classroom structure as well as the impact of the learner. I cannot wait to see what the future brings..
UDL Checklist
I found the UDL checklist very helpful while I was evaluating the lesson plan. I was very happy to see that I have incorporated many of the principles of UDL. It also made me aware of some of the essential items (such as student reflection as well as visual checklists) that I could add to the Livebinder. Seeing what is missing ahead of time allows maximum potential of the lesson plan. I would definitely use the UDL checklist in the future as a guideline to implement effective units.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Scholarship of Teaching
Throughout my years as a teacher, I have seen the progression I have made on my ideas on the scholarship of teaching.. When I first began, I would research the information for my students, and "teach" them the material the way that I thought would be most appropriate. I felt that I must know all the content and all the answers...When I student asked a question that I didn't know, I would research it and come back to them with the answer.
Through time and experience, I have grown to see teaching to be more than just one person"giving" the information. Teaching and learning go hand in hand in my classroom. Finding the passion for the topic "what" and generating discussion about the "why" and the "how" ignite the classroom! Giving kids meaning and connections to content are so important! Providing a framework that allows them to be creative and collaborative has been my goal!
Recently, I have read an amazing book titled, "The Passion-Driven Classroom " By Angela Maiers and Amy Sandvold that provides an insider's look as to how to create a framework for teaching and learning in your classroom that corresponds to 21st century learning. Providing the opportunity for students to navigate their learning through collaboration and creativity is so essential! I want my students to be passionate about their learning! I want to learn with them, not teach to them!
I have also found my PLN to be an invaluable tool as a teacher. Working with others and generating new ways to look at common core standards provides a community that extends your perspective as a teacher and a learner.
In my classroom I hope to see a community of learners that work together for a common goal. I hope to see expression and motivation towards learning. Teaching and learning are collaborative projects. I cannot wait to see what the future brings...
Friday, July 1, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Creating a Quickfire
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
21st Century Reflection
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My First Week of MAET Reflection
Power Of Creativity
This week during our MAET classes, we had the opportunity to participate in a few "ice breakers" to get the creative juices flowing! One of the activities was to pick out an object from a bag and come up with all the different ways you could use the object. I had a magnifier with a light. At first, you think of the simple way to use it- to enlarge things we read. However, at more time to think "outside the box", provided alternative ideas that I had never thought before. I took advantage of its shape, color and texture to come up with other uses. It was then when I had an AHA! moment! Many times as teachers we give a student and assignment and tell them exactly what to do and how to do it. By doing this, we don't allow for the creativity and uniqueness of the student! Giving the student opportunity and choice to think outside of the box will allow the child to "think out of the box" and quite possibly have an AHA! moment with the content. Is that what we are searching for? We all don't learn the same way... why should we be expected to share our knowledge with the same product?
My goal for this next year is to extend the idea of project based learning into my classroom more frequently to allow students the possibility of creativity and choice. We all need as many AHA! moments as we can get. Why not start incorporating that into the classroom each day? For some ideas on how to get started, take a look at these links..
Friday, June 24, 2011
Beautiful Sunset Example using Creative Commons
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hello- I'm a LiveBinder
The first thing that I love about Livebinders is that it has a "LiveBinder It" tool that you can add right to your bookmarking bar, which allows for easy access. I also love that you can binder several sites, documents and videos about a particular topic in a binder with one URL address. Previously I have put each website on my blog, which can take up a lot of space! It is also hard to go back the links start accumulating! This would definitely solve this problem!
Take a look at the LiveBinders that I have created! Caution: They are still a work in progress! Hopefully they will be helpful to others in the future!
Division LiveBinder
Web 2.0 tools LiveBinder
My Class Website QR Code!
Want to create your own QR code, check out these sites!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
What's Your Learning Style?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My PLN - A Work In Progress..
21st Century Learning Map
Monday, June 20, 2011
An Amazing Year
As a professional, I have also grown in so many ways. Through the use of Twitter, my PLN has grown tremendously! Twitter is a professional development tool that can happen at anytime of the day! Throughout this year I have participated in a #4thchat on Monday evenings which allows me to connect with others on my grade level and share ideas! This has also provided opportunities for collaborations with other 4th grade classrooms. I have also had the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other educators throughout the world over Elluminate during the Flat Classroom project. These are only a few examples of how my horizons in technology have expanded. I continue to grow, collaborate and learn each day through the use of the many blogs I follow through my Google Reader. The connections have sparked a fire in me to continue my passion and pursue my Masters in Educational Technology.
I hope that I continue to enhance my professional development and grow as an educator through the use of technology.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
My Next Classroom Project- Glogster
This is the 8th post in the “30 days to using the best of the web’s free tools for educators” series. Be sure to subscribe to the Teacher Challenge blog by RSS, like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter to keep up with future challenge posts as they are published.
This guest post is written by the groovy librarian – Glenda Morris.

In today’s education climate it is essential that students acquire the skills to be creators, collaborators, critical thinkers and communicators in the 21st Century. One way to help students achieve those skills is for teachers to offer students a range of digital tools in which to present and share their work. One such tool I have found extremely useful in encouraging students to extend their thinking and be engaged in their learning is through GlogsterEDU.
This post will help you gain the knowledge and skills to use the FREE GlogsterEDU (BASIC) version with students in your classroom or to use the tool to yourself to share information with your students.
In this teacher challenge activity you will:
- Be introduced to GlogsterEDU and what a ‘glog’ is.
- Create your own digital poster, or ‘glog’ on a topic of your own choice by inserting a range of multimedia.
- Find Creative Commons licenced images or videos, or use your own images or videos, for embedding into your glog.
- Write a blog post that includes the digital poster, or ‘glog’ you created and share it with the rest of the participants in this Challenge.
- Learn how to embed your glog into your blog.
- Make comment on glogs created by others in this challenge.
- Visit the discussion question for this activity and share your ideas.
Overview of Glogster
GlogsterEDU (the Basic, Free version) is a Web 2.0 tool that allows students, or yourself, to create an online interactive poster/presentation/research on any topic that combines graphics, backgrounds, videos, images, sound, text and hyperlinks. (Please note: adding data (for example, Powerpoint, Word, PDF) to glogs is only available on the Premium, paid version of GlogsterEDU). Importantly the tool encourages students to gather their information, synthesise it, remix it and then create their original presentation. It is an excellent alternative to the traditional classroom poster project by giving it a 21st Century twist (and it’s not messy or bulky). Glogs look absolutely fabulous when students present their work to their peers via the interactive whiteboard. GlogsterEDU is easy to use even for the most novice computer users and, importantly, students love using this program.
GlogsterEDU provides teachers with a safe virtual space where they can manage up to 50 student accounts. Randomly generated usernames and passwords (containing numbers and/or letters) become the students’ logins. However you can, under the manage student accounts tab, edit the nicknames (I suggest first name and maybe initial) and change the passwords. These can then be distributed to students. You can then monitor your students’ progress from your ‘teacher screen’. Students and teacher can share and comment on each other’s creations.
When I introduce this tool (or any other presentation tool) to students I stress the importance of considering carefully all aspects of their multimedia inclusions (backgrounds, video, text, images ect.) on their glog. For example, I ask students how are the background, graphics, text boxes appropriate to the glog’s topic.
Check out this simple, yet comphrenesive GlogsterEDU step-by-step tutorial by Traci Blazosky for setting up your own class glogs.
Alternatively, you can check out Blazoky’s video tutorial here (which is hosted by Glogster). (Please note: the number of student accounts with each teacher account is 50).
Challenge Task
Step 1. Register with GlogsterEDU or sign in (if you already have an account). If registering, make sure you sign up to the FREE Basic Teacher account and complete your details.
Step 2. Go to your Dashboard at the top of the page and start creating your own interactive glog on a topic of your own choice. Use the black tool box to start building you glog and try to incorporate a variety of media, including text, links, images, graphics, audio and video. I suggest starting your glog with choosing a wall (or theme, background) which can always be changed later. Then continue to build your glog and experiment with the variety of tools, layouts, media and fonts.
Save, name and categorise/tag your glog.
IMPORTANT: Save frequently. GlogsterEDU currently has NO autosave like some other Web 2.0 tools. If you want to navigate away from GlogsterEDU, you MUST save BEFORE moving away from the site, otherwise you will LOSE what was not previously saved.
To add a link simply copy and paste the URL into the box.
Step 3. You can upload your own videos, audio or images or use Creative Commons Licensed material.
For detailed information on Creative Commons, check out Step 2: Using Creative Commons Images In Posts from the Kick Start Your Blogging Teacher Challenge Activity 5.
Steps 4 & 5. Write a blog post that includes the digital poster, or ‘glog’ you have just created and share it with the rest of the participants in this Challenge. You will need to embed your glog into your blog and adjust the embed size. See Step 2: Embedding Media Into Blog Posts from the Kick Start Your Blogging Teacher Challenge Activity 6.
Add relevant tags to your blog entry #ebshare
Here is a glog I created on the topic of Creative Commons that I completed just before this challenge began.
Step 6. Comment on the blog posts containing the glogs of 4 other participants in this GlogsterEDU Challenge.
Step 7. Discussion Question
In what ways could you, or teachers in your school, use GlogsterEDU in the classroom? Ideas could be specific tasks, subjects and/or year levels.
You might include this as your blog post for this task.
Further Advice
Above: This How To: Glogster poster was created by Tiffany Whitehead from her Librariantiff’s Flickr Photostream.
Glogster In 90 Seconds – A good introduction in 90 seconds to using Glogster.
For more detailed set of instructions for using Glogster check out Kathe Santillo’s Scribd document.
About the Author
I am Glenda Morris, a Teacher Librarian at OLMC, an all-girls secondary school, in Melbourne, Australia. My Groovy Librarian blog is a space where I reflect on my experiments with a range of Web 2.0 technologies and write about my continuing life-long learning journey as a Teacher Librarian. I love exploring the potential use of technology integration in classrooms to enhance student learning and to help teachers facilitate their teaching programs. I am committed to imparting my ICT knowledge and expertise to assist students to acquire the skills to be 21st Century learners. I also love reading (as any good Teacher Librarian would) particularly Supernatural stories.
You can check out my wiki Web2foryou which is a collection of Web 2.0 tools that I originally created for INF506 Social Networking for Information Professionals subject for my Masters of Education (Teacher Librarianship). This wiki will continually be updated with new tools (when time permits).
Prior to completing my Masters of Education (Teacher Librarianship) from Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia, I was a Media Studies and English teacher at an all-boys school.
I am fortunate to be selected to attend the Google Teachers Academy in Sydney on April 20, 2011.
A Little Monday Morning Inspiration
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Feeling of Accomplishment
This isn't the first time we have shared our writing pieces in class. We share our journal writing everyday in class. Yet, the attention that each student received today for his/her piece of the Voicethread was priceless! Each student was truly proud to participate in a project that was sent out for the whole world to see. Each child experienced a feeling of accomplishment. I am so proud of them!

Monday, April 11, 2011
Writing Resources
As I have previously shared with you, Twitter has become the most amazing professional development tool for me. Every Monday night there is a 4th grade chat on Twitter where all teachers come to share ideas on a particular topic. Tonight's topic was something that has been on my mind ever since we received our MEAP scores- writing. This year I have tried a variety of new tools using technology in our writing. Two of our favorites tools in class have been Kidblogs and Edmodo. There is something about writing to an audience and getting positive feedback! They also love the connections they have made with other students. My PLN on Twitter also had so many wonderful new ideas to share about writing that I simply just could not go without passing them along to you! Thank you so much #4th chat! If you are in need of some new ideas, or simply a "fresh approach" to a topic, please check these sites out! You can also check out the #4th chat wiki for more ideas.
30 Ideas for Teaching Writing - A variety of ideas to approach writing topics
Poetry Writing with Jack Prelutsky - My students love his poems!
Paragraph a Week -Variety of topics to choose from
Empowering Writers - Resource for Struggling Writers
Writing Fun - Using Text Organizers- Great student examples on site!
ReadWriteThink- So many ideas on all types of writing! This is an invaluable resource!